Saturday, 21 April 2007

Bleeding Brakes

Bought the last tin of silicon fluid from and filled the master cylinder. I pumped away on the pedal and nothing happened.

Left it over night and tried again this morning. Much the same.
Found my old Gunsons brake bleed kit. The one you can pressurise with a car tyre. The last time I tried it I had brake fluid spraying everywhere, so this time I just connected it to the cylinder and to the tyre.

With 30psi in the tyre, I expected somthing to happen but nothing did. Even pumping the pedal had no effect. I had another look a the bleed nipples.

I bought these fancy bleed nipples ages ago (like most things for this car) . These nipples are complete with a mini non return valve fitted. So you have a nipple, plunger and spring. It seems you need to loosen the nipple a long way before the 30 psi will push past the valve - or I probably had a little blockage that just needed more pressure or time.

Naturally, I had released it too far and when the blockage released, the spring and plunger shot across the floor, followed by lots of expensive fluid.

Brake bleeding seems to be back to normal now. All 4 slaves bled, still lots of bubbles but time to let it settle and read the paper.